On mentionne sur Wikinomics l’existence d’un projet appelé Social Media Classroom.

Enter the Social Media Classroom. The project, created by Howard Rheingold, describes itself as, an invitation to grow a public resource of knowledge and relationships among all who are interested in the use of social media in learning. The site is a series of Web 2.0 tools (it offers forums, wikis, blogs, chat, social bookmarking, microblogging, social video, curricular materials, resource repositories and an online community of practitioners – available as an install or SaaS) that help to facilitate collaborative, student-led learning across a distance. The value of this project is not simply the ability to slap a 2.0 paintjob on an existing system but rather as a means to enhance the learning process. Perhaps the website puts it best:

Je n’ai beaucoup de temps et n’ai pas pu vérifié si on en avait dejà parlé ici, …

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